Sumatera Bengkulu,Badek Kuku Rimau -Taji Ayam Dagger for Silat (Traditional Martial Arts)
You just watch new original Taji Ayam dagge, but this is not Kerambit combat dagger, most off this commmon from Bengkulu Sumatera. This is r...
You just watch new original Taji Ayam dagge, but this is not Kerambit combat dagger, most off this commmon from Bengkulu Sumatera. This is r...
In one district in Rejang land there is one central Rejang crafts people, there are in Kepahiang Regency in borderline between Tebat Monok V...
This is a very nice and old 9 luk (wave) Palembang Keris from Sumatra (Sumatera), Indonesia. Sumatera is one of the biggest islands of Indon...
Siwar Knife as Trimmer Stomach Sama seperti keris di pakai sebagai penghias pinggang/perut kaum bangsawan pria Suku Rejang di masa lalu Phot...
Kujur Spear as traditional weapon Rejang Tribe From the collection volkenkunde museum, Holland, Kujur is spear, one of a few traditional w...